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Best Plants for Felines: How to Create a Cat-Friendly Garden

Mar 21 2025.

Maybe you have a feline who likes spending time outdoors or perhaps you enjoy the occasional visit from other kitties in your neighborhood. Either way, learning how to create a cat-friendly garden for your feline friends is a worthwhile activity. Not sure where to start? Read on for Cat in a Flat’s guide on how to create an enriching outdoor space for your furry friend.

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Is an outdoor space important for cats?

Is an outdoor space important for cats? Having a safe and enriching outdoor space can be important for your fur friend. While some types of felines, such as the Devon Rex, should be kept only indoors, most kitties can benefit from an outdoor space. Your tiny house tiger may look fully domesticated, but there are many instincts from their wild ancestors that Mr Whiskers still has today. One of these is the natural tendency to explore. 

Allowing your kitty access to a safe outdoor environment can reduce stress and provide added stimulation. Spending time outside can also curb boredom and help your furry friend get more exercise. This can be particularly beneficial for multi-cat households where felines share everything. An outdoor area allows each feline to have more space, therefore leading to less conflict because they have more resources.

Which plants should I have in a cat-friendly garden?

Which plants should I have in my cat-friendly garden? There are many wonderful plants out there which make a purrfect addition when you create your cat-friendly garden. From catnip to bamboo, here are a few plant ideas to get you started! 

  • Catnip (Nepeta Cataria): Many felines love the smell of catnip and will often roll in it or even nibble it. Catnip can also stimulate play and relaxation.
  • Cat Grass (Wheatgrass, Barley, Oatgrass): If you want to create a cat-friendly garden, cat grass is a must. Nibbling on it can aid digestion and help with hairball removal. It also contains healthy antioxidants which are good for Mr Whiskers’ teeth, fur, and claws
  • Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis): Many kitties are attracted to valerian root in the same way they are to catnip. Not only can it have a calming effect on your feline, but it’s also a great alternative for cats who don’t respond to catnip.
  • Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris): Our fur friends have powerful noses, which might explain why they’re drawn to aromatic herbs like thyme. While Mr Whiskers most likely won’t eat it, they may find the smell appealing. 
  • Spider Plant (Cholorophytum Comosum): When you create your cat-friendly garden, be sure to add a spider plant (or two)! Not only are they pretty to look at, but they’re non-toxic to felines. You may be surprised to find your fur friend is attracted to your spider plant and enjoys playing with or even nibbling on its leaves.
  • Bamboo (True Bamboo / Bambusoideae): Many types of bamboo, including ‘lucky bamboo’ or ‘heavenly bamboo’ are toxic to cats. However, true bamboo is non-toxic and won’t cause any harm if your kitty happens to nibble on it. Not only will true bamboo look gorgeous in a cat-friendly garden, but it offers a fun area for your tiny house tiger to hide. 
  • Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes Phyllostachya): This plant’s colorful leaves will add some vibrancy to your garden all the while being safe for Mr Whiskers.  

Plants toxic to cats

One of the key ways to keep your kitty happy and healthy is by removing toxic materials from paw’s reach. But if you ever suspect Mr Whiskers has ingested or come in contact with something toxic, don’t try to deal with it yourself. Make sure to seek veterinary care immediately! 

Here are 10 toxic plants to avoid when you create your cat-friendly garden:

  1. Lilies (Lilium and Hemerocallis species): Lilies are extremely toxic to felines. Ingesting even the smallest amount can cause kidney failure.
  2. Tulips and Daffodils: Although the entire flower is toxic for cats, the bulbs are particularly harmful. Ingesting them can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal upset.
  3. Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea): All parts of the foxglove plant are toxic to Mr Whiskers. These plants contain cardiac glycosides which can affect heart function and, in worse cases, lead to death.
  4. Oleander (Nerium oleander): Every part of this plant—including the leaves, flowers, and seeds—are highly toxic. Ingesting it can prove fatal. 
  5. Azaleas and Rhododendrons:  These contain grayanotoxins, which can cause vomiting and heart issues in felines.
  6. Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta): Sago palms are a hazard both inside and outside the home. Ingesting them can lead to liver failure and even prove fatal.
  7. Hydrangeas: This is another plant that’s best to keep away from Mr Whiskers. Eating any part of the hydrangea plant can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.  
  8. English Ivy (Hedera helix): These climbers are unfortunately toxic for our furry friends. Contact with the plant can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, and hypersalivation.
  9. Aloe Vera: While aloe vera has a myriad of benefits for humans, it can be dangerous for cats. Ingesting it can make your furry friend very sick.
  10. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): While not as toxic as true lilies, the peace lily is still a plant you should avoid when you create your cat-friendly garden. This plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals which can cause irritation, drooling, and difficulty swallowing.
Do you know which plants are toxic and non-toxic for cats? Check out Cat in a Flat's tips to help you create a cat-friendly garden!
©zhang kaiyv via

Tips to create a cat-friendly garden

Secure toxic plants

It might not always be possible to avoid toxic plants in your garden. If you do have these, do as much as possible to make them inaccessible. Try fencing them off, covering them with mesh, or placing them in hanging baskets your kitty can’t reach. 

Create a cat-friendly area

This should be a designated space just for your feline! Plant cat-friendly plants like catnip, cat grass, and valerian here for your kitty to browse. Having an area made up of natural woodchips, soft soil, or sand is a great addition too. Mr Whiskers will enjoy digging, lounging, or may even use it as a toilet. Just make sure to clean the area on occasion and keep an eye on your kitty’s indoor and outdoor toilet habits to make sure they have a healthy routine

Add stimulating features

Felines love climbing and scratching, so you should make sure to include structures for both these activities in your garden. Climbing trees, scratching posts, outdoor cat cabins, and pathways for exploration will all make fun additions for your fur friend. 

Provide shade

Much like their cousins the majestic lion, our tiny house tigers enjoy finding shady, hidden spots where they can lounge and survey their kingdoms. Planting trees or shrubs will provide resting spots for your fur friend and keep them cool in warm weather. 

Avoid chemicals and stagnant water

Wherever possible, you should opt for natural fertilizers and pest repellents. Many chemicals are harmful to felines—especially if they accidentally ingest a plant that’s been sprayed with them. And if you want to include a water feature in your garden, avoid anything with stagnant water. These can harbor harmful bacteria and attract pests, they can also make your kitty sick if they drink it. 

Don’t forget to talk to your cat sitter!

Be sure to keep your wonderful cat sitter updated on any changes to your kitty’s outdoor habits. If you’re hiring a new cat sitter, ask beforehand if they feel comfortable allowing your cat outside in your absence. Always leave clear instructions with timings of when your feline usually goes out and what to do if the kitty doesn’t come inside during the sitter’s visit. However, if possible, it’s recommended you keep your cat indoors when you’re gone. A new person in their environment can stress your fur friend out and you don’t want to risk them going missing while you’re away! 

Not comfortable with letting your cat outside, or don’t have a safe outdoor space for your fur friend? This doesn’t mean your kitty can’t live an enriching life indoors! Check out our blog posts with tips on how to keep your indoor feline happy and how to maintain a clean and cat-friendly home too.

  • #catinaflat
  • #pet care
  • Cat Care
  • cat-friendly garden
  • cat-friendly plants
  • plants for cats
  • toxic plants for cats
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