Cat Care
8 Key Things You Should Never Do to Your Cat
As a paw parent, it’s your job to keep your kitty happy and healthy. Cat in a Flat dives into 8 key things you should never do to your cat.
Is Dry Food Bad for Cats? Everything You Need to Know About Kitty Kibble
Is dry food bad for cats? Cat in a Flat investigates the pros and cons of including dry food in your kitty’s diet.
Friends With Your Feline? 10 Steps to Create a Strong Bond With Your Cat
Not sure how to connect with your kitty? Cat in a Flat offers 10 great steps to creating a strong bond with your cat.
Eco-Friendly Cat Care Resolutions: How to Be a More Sustainable Cat Owner
Looking to become a more sustainable paw parent this year? Check out Cat in a Flat’s great guide to eco-friendly cat care.
New Cat in the Hood? Best Way to Safely Introduce Your Kitty to a New Area
Are you moving or bringing a new kitty home? Cat in a Flat explains how best to introduce your outdoor cat to a new area.
What You Need to Know About Caring for Your Cat’s Teeth
Dental care is an essential part of keeping your kitty happy and healthy. Check out Cat in a Flat’s guide to caring for your cat’s teeth!
The Big Scoop: How to Know if a Cat Has Healthy Poop (And Toilet Routine)
How can you tell if your kitty’s poop is healthy or not? Cat in a Flat is here to give you the scoop on your cat’s poop.
Optimal Cat Cuddles: The Science of How to Stroke Your Cat
How do you know if your cat wants you to stroke them? Cat in a Flat dives into the when, where, and how of petting your cat.
Can Cats Eat Dog Food? What to Know about Feline vs. Pup Dietary Needs
Can cats eat dog food? And what should you do in an emergency if you run out of cat food? Cat in a Flat explains!
Why, When, and How to Vaccinate Your Cat
Not sure which vaccines your kitty needs? Cat in a Flat talks about the why, when, and how to vaccinate your cat!
Male Cat Allergies vs Female: What You Need to Know about Feline Allergies
Do male cats cause more allergies than females? Cat in a Flat shares the best and worst cats for allergies.
The Nine Lives of Felines: Do Cats Live Longer Than Dogs?
Do cats live longer than dogs? Cat in a Flat takes a look at the lifespans of cats vs dogs and how to help your pet live a healthy life.
How to Know a Kitten Is Ready to Leave Its Mother (And 4 Signs It Isn’t)
Do you know when a kitten is ready to leave its mother? Cat in a Flat explains the signs and what to do when a kitten is weaned too soon.
How to Prepare Your Cat Sitter to Administer Medication to Your Cat
Not sure how to instruct your cat sitter on administering medication? Cat in a Flat provides a step-by-step rundown!
Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Home Clean and Cat-Friendly Too
Struggling to keep a tidy home while living with a cat? Cat in a Flat offers tips on how to keep your home clean (and cat friendly too!).
How to Keep Every Cat in Your Multi-Cat Household Happy
Not sure if you should bring another kitty into your home? Cat in a Flat offers tips on how to create a happy multi-cat household.
5 Potentially Fatal Mistakes Cat Owners Can Make (And How to Avoid Them)
Even the most caring paw parent can get things wrong at times. Cat in a Flat breaks down fatal mistakes cat owners can make and how to avoid them.
What’s the Best Way to Groom a Long-Haired Cat?
Not sure how to care for a kitty with long fur? Cat in a Flat shows you the best ways to groom a long-haired cat.
Can Cats Travel? Tips for Traveling With Cats by Train, Plane, Bus, or Car
Not sure what to pay attention to when traveling with cats? Cat in a Flat explains everything you need to know to travel with your cat.
Signs of Heatstroke in Cats (And How to Prevent or Treat It)
Not sure how to tell if your cat has heatstroke? Cat in a Flat explains what to watch for and how to treat and prevent heatstroke in cats.
Cat Boarding Blues: Why Boarding Can Be Bad for Cats
Trying to decide if you want to board your cat? Cat in a Flat explains why boarding at a cattery can be bad for cats.
Who Let the Cats Out? Steps to Letting Your Cat Outside for the First Time
Feeling nervous about letting your kitty go outdoors? Cat in a Flat shows you tips and steps to letting your cat outside for the first time.
Should I Microchip My Cat? Why a Microchip Is Important for Your Kitty
Not sure if your cat needs a microchip? Cat in a Flat shares everything you need to know about microchipping your kitty.
Cats and Medicine: Best Ways to Give Your Cat Pills and Medication
Convincing a cat to take medicine can be very tricky. Cat in a Flat shows you the best ways to give your cat or cat client medication.